Get your very own Moodle course with Poodll and many other Moodle plugins to develop and teach with full support for 12 months from Dr. Nellie Deutsch an experienced Moodle teacher and admin of this Moodle site. You can offer the course for free or for a fee and all the tuition to your PayPal or credit card account via PayPal.
Teaching online is very rewarding, especially when you're in charge of your very own course. Subscribe to Teaching Online Services (TOS) for $280 a year for 2 courses. The services include one-on-one coaching on how to design and teach an online course and space for up to 2 ongoing courses on this site for a year. You get a course area ready with activities and resources and many more applications (plugins) for your course. You can charge or offer the courses for free. You can invite as many as 5000+ per course. Courses are generally 4-6 weeks, but they can be as long as 12 months. Register and start your courses today.
Please contact Dr. Nellie Deutsch for further information.
Doctoral Dissertation Writing (DDW) is a 12-unit hands-on or self-paced instructor-led workshop to help doctoral students write (a) a doctoral proposal, (a) the first draft of a doctoral dissertation, (c) final draft of the dissertation. Participants will work on each of the 5 chapters and the references, table of contents and appendices. Course members will receive one-on-one mentorship and coaching throughout the process.
The chapters will be reviewed by Dr. Nellie Deutsch. The participants will receive comments within 1 week after completing the chapter, so that the first draft will be ready for submission by the end of the course. Participants may work at their own pace.
This is an advanced academic self-paced instructor-led on online course. The emphasis of the course is on research writing and articles. The course is for native or near native speakers of English who are in undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate programs and/or instructors who are required to write journal articles. It is not suiting for doctoral dissertation writing.
Online Teaching Business is a self-paced one-on-one online coaching course on how to blend and facilitate synchronous and asynchronous learning environments for an online teaching business. Participants will learn how to set up and market an online teaching business, use synchronous and asynchronous learning environments to sell their courses, and receive guidance on how to teach online. The course is work at your own pace with one-on-one coaching and ongoing support during and after the course.
Moodle Admin Workshop (MAW) is a self-paced online workshop for anyone who wishes to be an administrator of a Moodle website. The workshop will be facilitated with one-on-one mentorship by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced teacher and admin of a few Moodle websites and director of Integrating Technology - Moodle for Teachers (M4T) workshops for teachers and managers of Moodle courses.
Digital badges will be awarded for each feature and a final certificate to participants who complete the required tasks.
The tuition is $880 for the course and ongoing support for 12 months.
You will speak English online (SEO) with a professional English language coach by your side and practice with an AI bot. SEO provides students with the opportunity to learn English and practice with a human teacher and an AI bot at the comfort of their homes or office. The course is work at your own pace and is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students who wish to improve their English skills. The workshop is available for 12 months with a one time fee and a certificate of completion at the end of the year.
Please contact Dr. Nellie Deutsch for further information.
Total Life Management Training™ is a practical one-on-one online well-being coaching to develop and sustain lifelong learning skills to better manage career, family, relationships, school, lifelong learning, and the environment. Members of the course can start at anytime and work at their own pace with full one-on-one coaching with Dr. Nellie Deutsch an accredited PAIRS and leadership educator.
Participants will practice mindfulness as a way to self-reflect, become more present, more focused, more awake during the day, and sleep better at night.
Contact Dr. Nellie Deutsch for further information.
This is a self-paced course with Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced educator, as your coach. Developing the skills to cope with test anxiety involves learning about your beliefs and habits. In this course, you will tap into how you think, feel, and behave before, during, and after taking a test.