Moodle Admin Workshop
Moodle Training
Enrolment on payment

Moodle Admin Workshop (MAW) is a self-paced online workshop for anyone who wishes to be an administrator of a Moodle website. The workshop will be facilitated with one-on-one mentorship by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced teacher and admin of a few Moodle websites and director of Integrating Technology - Moodle for Teachers (M4T) workshops for teachers and managers of Moodle courses.

The workshop is based on hands-on activities where participants learn by doing. 

Learn about and practice using the following Moodle features in the site administration block:
  • Site administration
  • Users
  • Courses
  • Grades
  • Plugins
  • Appearance
  • Reports

Digital badges will be awarded for each feature and a final certificate to participants who complete the required tasks.

The tuition is $880 for the course and ongoing support for 12 months. Those who join the membership program for 12 months, will get 50% discount on the course.