Enrolment options

SpeaK English Online with a Coach
Learn English
Enrolment on payment

You will speak English online (SEO) with a professional English language coach by your side. Only you and your coach will be able to view your responses. You will speak on specific topics and your chosen topics using various presentation tools such as Knovio and Voki and other recording tools such as Poodll (audio and  video). You will prepare your conversation (topic) with the help of a teacher, speak about your topic in a live online class on ZOOM, Jitsi, or Google Meet, record the live event and share the recording. 

Speak English Online (SEO) provides students with the opportunity to learn English at the comfort of their homes or office. The course is self-paced and is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students who wish to improve their English skills. SEO caters to all learners by providing individualized instruction. 

The workshop is available for 12 months with a one time fee and a certificate of completion at the end of the year.

Please contact Dr. Nellie Deutsch for further information. 

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: USD 1200.00

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This course requires a payment for entry.

USDĀ 630.00

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